On renewal of license of LLC “Non-bank Credit Institution “Western Union DP Vostok ” for performing activities of payment system

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On renewal of license of LLC “Non-bank Credit Institution “Western Union DP Vostok ” for performing activities of payment system

In connection with the expiration of license of LLC “Non-bank Credit Institution “ Western Union DP Vostok ” for performing activities of payment system by the Resolution of Board of NBT dated from February 26, 2021, No. 40 in accordance with Article 14 of Law of the Republic of Tajikistan" On payment services and payment system ", Articles 6 and 8 of Law of the Republic of Tajikistan "On licensing of certain types of activities" and Chapters 11 and 561 of "Regulations on specifics of licensing of certain types of activities", the license of LLC "Non-bank Credit Institution "Western Union DP Vostok " was extended for 5 years.

On the basis of this Resolution, the license of LLC “Non-bank Credit Institution “ Western Union DP Vostok ” issued on February 9, 2018 for operation of payment system shall be considered cancelled.

The Payment System Management shall be obliged to make an appropriate entry in the Register of payment system operators.

Press Division

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