Message of the Leader of Nation - a guide to action

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Message of the Leader of Nation - a guide to action

On February 18, 2021 it was held the meeting at the NBT by the leadership of Kholikzoda Hokim Hikmatullo, Chairman of NBT with participation of First Deputy Chairman of the National Bank of Tajikistan Jamoliddin Nuraliev, Deputy Chairmen of NBT Firdavs Tolibzoda, Mirhayot Yokubzoda, Mohbonu Nakhatzoda, heads of structural subdivisions on learning of the Message of the Founder of peace and national unity, Leader of Nation, President of the Republic of Tajikistan, honorable Emomali Rahmon to Majlisi Oli of the Republic of Tajikistan announced on January 26, 2021.

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Opening the meeting, the Chairman of NBT Hokim Kholikzoda has noted that the Message of the Leader of Nation to Majlisi Oli of the Republic of Tajikistan, which determines the main directions of the country's domestic and foreign policy, will primarily serve as a guide for 2021, the year of celebrating the 30th anniversary of Tajikistan's state independence.

“In his message, along with other extremely important issues, the Leader of Nation, having analyzed the banking system, in addition to the achieved results of the industry, emphasized the need for an early solution of such tasks, which are given special attention: increasing the volume of lending to national economy sectors, activating the corporate governance system, minimizing operational and credit risks, reducing the share of NPL, an increase of attraction of capital to the banking system and creation of representative offices of foreign banks to seek additional sources of domestic and foreign investment, improving the financing of industrial sectors, " has said the Chairman of NBT Hokim Kholikzoda.

In this regard, in order to timely fulfill the instructions and orders of the Leader of Nation, the National Bank of Tajikistan has developed an Action Plan of the NBT to fulfill the tasks specified in the Message of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan dated from January 26, 2021 "On the main directions of domestic and foreign policy of the Republic of Tajikistan." Hokim Kholikzoda has noted that the above mentioned Action Plan consists of 14 points, which mainly relate to the following priority tasks requiring an early solution: elimination of deficiencies in lending to the economy sectors, corporate governance, operational and credit risks, NPLs, raising capital in the banking system , creation of representative offices of foreign banks, bringing the relevant regulatory legal acts in line with modern requirements, ensuring the corporate governance process in credit financial institutions and a gradual increase of authorized capital of banks, increasing long-term lending to industrial entrepreneurship and activating the national rating system for credit and insurance institutions, expanding the range of banking services through the introduction of financial and innovative technologies, and on this basis the introduction of non-cash transactions, including the elimination of human factor in the implementation of cash settlements. The prepared plan of the NBT also includes measures for development and submission to the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan of draft of regulatory legal acts on amnesty in the field of legalization of funds and other assets of citizens, providing the necessary information for the development of the draft Tax Code in a new edition, taking into account the peculiarities of banking system, issuance of loans and grants to women and families, support for women's initiatives and involvement of the largest number of women in leading positions and other topical issues specified in the Message of the Leader of Nation.

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The NBT Chairman Hokim Kholikzoda has assured that the management and all employees of the banking system will make every effort to timely fulfill the instructions and orders of the Leader of Nation.

In his address to the meeting, Head of Translation Division of NBT Management Office, Associate of the National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan Sulton Hasan has noted a number of basic points of Message of the Leader of Nation, which relate to urgent national problems. In particular, it was emphasized that 2020 is marked by such important events in the history of national statehood as the celebration of the 5500th anniversary of Ancient Sarazm and the 700th anniversary of Kamoli Khujandi, as well as two important political events - the election of deputies to Majlisi Namoyandagon, elections to the people's Majlis of people's deputies and the election of President of the country, which took place in the atmosphere of solidarity and unity. Referring to the words of the Founder of Peace and National Unity - the Leader of Nation, President of the Republic of Tajikistan, honorable Emomali Rahmon, Sulton Hasan also has noted that the glorious Tajik people, with their characteristic patriotism, with honor and dignity, will be able to fulfill all tasks aimed at improving the country.

At the end of the meeting, the Chairman of NBT Hokim Kholikzoda has stressed that the Message of the Leader of Nation to Majlisi Oli will serve as a guide to action, and implementation of set tasks will contribute to achieving the best results in all areas, including the banking system of the country.

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