Visit of Working team to Specialized Vocational and Technical Lyceum in Dushanbe

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Visit of Working team to Specialized Vocational and Technical Lyceum in Dushanbe

On June 4, 2021 the Working team consisting of NBT Chairman Hokim Kholiqzoda, Director of Nurek HPP, member of Majlisi Milli of Majlisi Oli of the Republic of Tajikistan Fazliddin Shoiddinov, Deputy Mayor of Dushanbe city Mavsuma Muini and First Deputy Minister of Labor, Migration and Employment of the Republic of Tajikistan Abdulgaffor Rahmonzoda visited the State Educational Establishment "Specialized Vocational Lyceum of Dushanbe" of the Ministry of Labor, Migration and Employment of the Republic of Tajikistan, which sponsored it according to Decree of President of the Republic of Tajikistan dated from March 30, 2021, No. AP-52, and got acquainted with a current situation in the lyceum, living conditions and students’ study.


In the course of familiarizing the Working team with situation in the lyceum, it became clear that in order to improve the conditions of study and stay of students, it is necessary to implement a number of practical measures, including the repair and reconstruction of educational buildings, dormitories and warehouses for storing basic items, to repair the heating system, to supply foodstuffs, construction of children's and sports halls, etc.


Having got acquainted with the real situation in the State educational establishment "Specialized vocational and technical lyceum of Dushanbe", the Working team met with students of the institution and got acquainted with their opinion on housing conditions, curriculum and professional training and made the necessary conclusions.


After considering issues during their visit, the Working team consisting of Chairman of the National Bank of Tajikistan Hokim Kholiqzoda, Director of Nurek HPP, member of Majlisi Milli of Majlisi Oli of the Republic of Tajikistan Fazliddin Shoiddinov, Deputy Mayor of Dushanbe Mavsuma Muini and First Deputy Minister of Labor, Migration and Employment of the Republic of Tajikistan Abdulgafor Rahmonzoda has decided to develop an Actions plan to eliminate the existing deficiencies and to promote the development of this institution in the near future, and from time to time take practical measures to carry out repair work and provide the lyceum with necessary goods as needed and at his request.


It should be noted that the State Educational Establishment "Specialized Vocational and Technical Lyceum of Dushanbe" is a special educational institution and it was established in 1947. There are currently 35 students studying in the lyceum and the number of students varies depending on needs and recommendations of special commissions, and the institution can reach up to 80 students at a time.


This institution is the only specialized educational lyceum where the adolescents of 14-18 years old from all over the country study and acquires skills of various professions and crafts. Most of the students are orphans, half-orphans, children whose parents are unable to care for them as well as children from other low-income strata of society.

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