Capacity building of financial institutions personnel for AML/CTF/PW

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Capacity building of financial institutions personnel for AML/CTF/PW

From August 17 to 20, 2021 in the Regional Branch of National Bank of Tajikistan in Kulob (Khatlon region) at the initiative ofTraining and Methodology Center of Financial Monitoring Department of National Bank of Tajikistan a workshop on anti-money-laundering, combating terrorism financing and proliferation of mass destruction weapons was organized.


This workshop was attended by representatives of Regional Branches of NBT in Kulob, Bactria and Khorog and more than 30 specialists of financial institutions based in Khatlon region, including SSB “Amonatbank”, OJSC “Orienbank”, OJSC “The First Microfinance Bank”, OJSC “TavhidBank”, CJSC “Eskhata Bank”, CJSC “Spitamen Bank”, CJSC “International Bank of Tajikistan”, OJSC “Commercial Bank of Tajikistan”, CJSC MCDO “Imon International”, LLC MDO “FAZO S” and LLC MCO “Firuz”.

Mr. AliahmadYusufzoda, Head of Regional Branch of NBT in Kulob opened the event and informed participants on the need to organize such workshop andnoted that this workshop was organized with the view to improve qualifications of financial institutions employees.

It is worth noting, that workshop was conducted in accordance with the program of Training Center with participation of representatives of Financial Monitoring Department of NBT.


Participants of the workshop learned about various topics related to AML/CTF/PW, including:

  • Sources (Fundamentals) of international standards in AML/CTF/PW and implementation in the Republic of Tajikistan;
  • Legislation of the Republic of Tajikistan in relation to AML/CTF/PW;
  • Reporting on suspicious and mandatory transactions;
  • Solving cases of terrorism financing and predicate offences.

It should be noted that this workshop has not only theoretical but also practical significance for course participants, as aforementioned specialists are mostly focused on matters directly related to AML/CTF/PW.

In the end of the workshop participants have received certificates.

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