On LLC «Deloitte & Touche»

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On LLC «Deloitte & Touche»

The Board of the National Bank of Tajikistan by its Resolution dated November 25, 2021 No. 182 and in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan "On the National Bank of Tajikistan", and the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan "On licensing designated activities " and Regulation “On aspects of licensing designated activities” has approved the request of auditing organization «Deloitte &Touche» on license revocation and voluntary liquidation.

In accordance with this decision the license of LLC «Deloitte &Touche» issued by the National Bank of Tajikistan to conduct audit activities in the banking sector dated December 26, 2018 under No. 174 was revoked.

The Banking Supervision Department was asked to make an appropriate record in the Register of Auditing Licenses in Credit Financial Institutions.

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