High-level Meeting on Regulatory Cooperation in Central Asia

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High-level Meeting on Regulatory Cooperation in Central Asia

On December 2-3, 2021, in Nur-Sultan, the Republic of Kazakhstan, a high-level meeting of financial regulators of Central Asia was held. The meeting was attended by international financial institutions representatives, such as the International Monetary Fund, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, Islamic Corporation for the Development of the Private Sector, Construction Bank China (China Construction Bank), World Association of International Financial Centers (WAIFC), Commissioner for Regulation and Supervision of Financial Markets in Central Asia. The Republic of Tajikistan was represented by Yokubzoda Mirkhayot Mirobid Deputy Chairman of the National Bank of Tajikistan.

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The meeting was opened by K. Kelimbetova, Director of Astana International Financial Center, who wished participants of the high-level meeting of Central Asia success and productive work.

In the first part of the meeting, participants spoke on the topic “Prospects for new investment instruments in Central Asia” and discussed matterson innovative investment platform in Central Asia, clearing services and access to world markets through the International Financial Center of Astana, development of green financial instruments and possibilities of Islamic financing.


In the next part of the meeting, matters on "Human Capacity Building in Central Asia" were discussed, along with other representatives, Deputy Chairman of the National Bank of Tajikistan Yokubzoda Mirkhayot Mirobid took part in discussion of the state and prospects of financial markets in Central Asia, development of regional supervisory cooperation, expansion access to finance and investments in Central Asia, investors' rights protection at the international level, development of regional cooperation through technical assistance and financing of regional projects, attraction of financing and investments in Central Asia, Islamic financing as an alternative way of financing in Central Asia.

With the view to building healthy and stable financial system, as well as considering the need to further strengthen and develop cooperation between financial regulators to support cross-border liquidity and reduce the cost of capital, the parties expressed their readiness to further strengthen regulatory cooperation in Central Asia.


At the end of the meeting, which took place in an atmosphere of mutual understanding and cooperation, trust and historically established friendly and good-neighborly relations, the parties, referring to the Joint Statement which was adopted at the end of the Central Asian Summit on August 6, 2021 in Turkmenbashi, agreed to use the Astana International Financial Center in as a unified economic platform for Central Asian countries and foreign investors.

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