Financial Literacy of Women - Access to Economic Opportunities

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Financial Literacy of Women - Access to Economic Opportunities

Every year, as part of the National Strategy for Financial Inclusion implementation, the National Bank of Tajikistan organizes training programs, conducts seminars and meetings to improve the level of financial education of the population. One of such events to improve financial literacy of women of the bank was a seminar titled “Improving financial literacy of women of the National Bank of Tajikistan”, which was held on February 8, 2022 upon the initiative of the Council of Women of the National Bank of Tajikistan. The participants of this event were women who are actively involved in the social life of the bank.

Opening the event, Deputy Chairman of the National Bank of Tajikistan Nakhatzoda Mohbonu Kiromiddin, who chairs the Women's Council, noted the constant attention that the Founder of Peace and National Unity, the Leader of the Nation, the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, H.E. Mr. Emomali Rahmon pays to matters related to women. Indeed, women play a very important role in establishing democratic and secular state, and Government of Tajikistan, in the implementation of social policy, pays special attention to improving the status of women, as evidenced by the promotion of the largest number of responsible women to leadership positions.

“Over the years of the country's independence, women, under the  constant leadership and care of the Leader of the Nation, H.E Mr. Emomali Rahmon, have taken a worthy place in society and directly involved in government. Today we need to keep up with the times, put our knowledge and experience into practice and channelize all the efforts of women to development of the country. In particular, complete and effective implementation of the National Development Strategy of the Republic of Tajikistan for the period up to 2030, which was designed to improve financial literacy of population, can become a tool for women to implement accumulated knowledge and contribute to development of the country” noted M. Nakhatzoda.

Then, Senior Specialist of the Payment System Department Kamila Saismonova and Lead Specialist of International Relations Department Nozanin Tohirova as trainers of the German Savings Banks Foundation for International Cooperation (Germany) made presentations to shed light on financial literacy, financial awareness, knowledge, skills and behavior that are necessary to make reasonable financial decisions and increase financial well-being.

They noted that women's financial literacy allows them to plan family expenses and incomes, find ways to increase income, comply with provisions of the Laws of the Republic of Tajikistan "On regulation of traditions, celebrations and rituals" and "On responsibility of parents for education and upbringing of children", which are aimed to reduce unnecessary expenses and increase family budget. It was also emphasized that increasing the level of financial knowledge is the key to improving the economy of population and introduction of modern technological and financial operations obliges women, in response to care extended by the Leader of the Nation, to contribute to development and prosperity of our country. It is the high level of financial literacy that is the main condition for the stable growth of the country and increase in the level of well-being.

Participants of the event received answers to their questions during interactive sessions and were involved in discussion of other matters.

It should be noted that the purpose of this event, first of all, was to increase the level of financial education of women, since it is women who play a key role in strengthening economic situation of the family.

This is to remind, that the said event was held as part of the implementation of the Action Plan of Women's Council of the National Bank of Tajikistan.

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