Mutually beneficial cooperation of NBT and EBRD will be continued and strengthened

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Mutually beneficial cooperation of NBT and EBRD will be continued and strengthened

At the meeting of Chairman of National Bank of Tajikistan Hokim Kholiqzoda with the Executive Director of the EBRD in Central Asia Ms. Zsuzsanna Hargitai and Regional Director of the EBRD in Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan Ms. Ayten Rustamova held on October 25, this year, the current situation of the country's banking system in 2022, issues of implementing ongoing projects of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) in the Republic of Tajikistan and areas of cooperation in the future have been discussed. The Deputy Chairman of National Bank of Tajikistan Firuz Sharifzoda and heads of key structural subdivisions of the bank participated in the meeting. 


At the beginning of the meeting, Chairman of National Bank of Tajikistan Hokim Kholiqzoda has expressed gratitude to the EBRD for effective mutually beneficial cooperation and assistance in various areas, especially in the country's economy, and noted that geopolitical transformations have made changes in the economic development and had a negative impact on the growth dynamics of the countries of our region. In the context of the global and regional response that the Republic of Tajikistan is facing, we must establish mutually beneficial cooperation with international institutions. 

He also noted that the EBRD is one of the reliable development partners, which has implemented many projects in the energy and infrastructure sectors, especially in field of finance, since the beginning of operations in the Republic of Tajikistan, that is, since 1993. 


The Chairman of National Bank of Tajikistan highly appreciated the EBRD's assistance in strengthening the country's banking system, including strengthening corporate governance, developing the currency and capital market, improving monetary policy as well as improving the skills of employees of the country's banking system. 

It was also noted that the EBRD is actively cooperating with the country's banking sector in conducting training for participants in the financial market of Tajikistan. It is obvious that increasing knowledge and experience of experts through such cooperation programs are important for the economic growth and development of the country. 

Hokim Kholiqzoda has noted that in this regard, the National Bank of Tajikistan is willing to cooperate with international financial institutions in field of support and establishment of direct correspondent relations between European banks and credit financial institutions in Tajikistan. Taking into account the exceptional capabilities of the EBRD, during a meeting with the delegation of this bank, it was proposed that this bank assist in establishing direct correspondent relations of credit institutions in Tajikistan with European banks and countries in the eastern region, including Japan, Korea and Singapore as well as with Arab countries. 


The Executive Director of the EBRD in the Central Asia Ms. Zsuzsanna Hargitai, in turn, has expressed gratitude for the warm welcome, effective cooperation of parties and noted that regardless of the unfavorable situation in the world and pressures of various types, the country's macroeconomic indicators, especially in the banking system are positive. She also noted that the EBRD will continue its close bilateral cooperation with the institutions of the banking system of Tajikistan. 

Ms. Zsuzsanna Hargitai has expressed her willingness to assist the credit financial institutions of the country in opening correspondent accounts in reputable banks of the world. 

Then, the parties have considered issues related to the green financial system, the level of inflation, cooperation and support for the insurance sector of the republic and other issues important to them.

At the end of the meeting, the parties expressed their satisfaction with the results of mutually beneficial cooperation, assured each other of the further development and strengthening of cooperation.

Press Division NBT

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