Meeting of Hokim Kholiqzoda with the IMF mission

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Meeting of Hokim Kholiqzoda with the IMF mission

On December 5, 2022 the Chairman of National Bank of Tajikistan Kholiqzoda Hokim Hikmatullo has held the meeting with the mission of International Monetary Fund (IMF) headed by Mr.Mathew Gertner, who is on a business trip in the Republic of Tajikistan within the Article IV Consultations.

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At the beginning of the meeting, the Chairman of National Bank of Tajikistan Hokim Kholiqzoda has briefly informed the members of IMF mission about the country's macroeconomic situation, reforms process and achievements of the country’s banking system. Then he has noted the geopolitical situation of the world, its negative effects on the economic development of countries of the region, international trade relations and underlined that regardless of the impact of external events, for 10 months of 2022, the stabilization of macroeconomic indicators in the country was ensured.

«National bank of Tajikistan will continue its reform policy and in this connection we propose to continue the technical cooperation with the IMF in important areas such as monetary policy, statistics and balance of payments, programming and financial policy, development of digital financial services, development of payment systems etc. We are confident that the IMF will continue its cooperation with the NBT in the mentioned areas", - has noted Hokim Kholiqzoda.


Mr. Matthew Gaertner, in his turn, addressing the meeting about bilateral cooperation between the IMF and the Republic of Tajikistan, and in particular with the National Bank of Tajikistan has noted this year good economic indicators were achieved in many important areas of the country. As the mentioned indicators show it is observed a significant economic growth in the country.

In the continuation of the meeting, Mr. Matthew Gertner has informed that the IMF mission plans to focus on macroeconomic prospects in 2023, policy measures on improving macroeconomic stability and reforms of prioritized fields, which are crucial for ensuring high and inclusive mid- term economic growth.


During the meeting, the parties have discussed issues of expansion further cooperation in the areas of reduction or prevention of influence of possible risks on branches of national economy, maintaining stability of macroeconomic indicators and restoration of negotiations on the new IMF Program for Tajikistan.

It is worth to note that the IMF mission headed by Mr. Mathew Gertner, which visited the Republic of Tajikistan from December 5, 2022 and will stay here till December 16, 2022, will hold meetings with a number of ministries and agencies of the country's economic sector.

Press Division

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