Meeting with delegation of Federal Financial Monitoring Service of the Russian Federation (Rosfinmonitoring)

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Meeting with delegation of Federal Financial Monitoring Service of the Russian Federation (Rosfinmonitoring)

On May 4 and 5, 2023, as part of the presentation of the International Center for Assessing the Risks of Legalization (Laundering) of Proceeds from Crime and Financing of Terrorism, a meeting was held between representatives of the Financial Monitoring Department and the delegation from Rosfinmonitoring at the National Bank of Tajikistan. 


At the meeting, the sides discussed the Concept of the “belt” of financial security, the tasks and main areas of cooperation, as well as the procedure for determining supranational threats based on this Concept.

In addition, during the meeting, the practical activities of the International Center for Risk Assessment, its main tasks and methods of analysis based on the resources of this center were noted.


It should be noted that organizational and legal measures for the establishment of the International Risk Assessment Center are at the final stage, the draft Agreement is currently undergoing an internal procedure, and it is safe to say that upon completion of the procedures, the International Risk Assessment Center will be established in the National Bank of Tajikistan.

Financial Monitoring Department

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