Results of contest “The best credit financial institution to serve women's entrepreneurship”

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Results of contest “The best credit financial institution to serve women's entrepreneurship”

On May 12, 2023, the ceremony of awarding prizes to the winners of the contest “The Best Credit Financial Organization for Women’s Entrepreneurship” was held in a solemn atmosphere at the National Bank of Tajikistan which was organized in order to ensure the timely implementation of the instructions of the Consultative Council on Improvement of Investment Climate under the Office of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan. 


As previously reported, this contest was held on the results of credit financial institutions for the year 2022 in the categories of lending / financing, attracting deposits, opening and maintaining a bank account, providing a bank guarantee.

The management and employees of the National Bank of Tajikistan, representatives of credit financial institutions, the Association of Banks of Tajikistan, the Association of Microfinance Institutions of Tajikistan, members of the jury and the organizing committee, representatives of international organizations and the media attended the event.


After the opening statement, the Chairman of the National Bank of Tajikistan Kholiqzoda Hokim Hikmatullo noted that the contest of "The best credit financial institution serving women's entrepreneurship" was organized by the National Bank of Tajikistan to implement the provisions of the protocol of the 22nd Meeting of the Consultative Council on Improvement of Investment Climate under the Office of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan. The purpose of this event is to improve the women entrepreneurs’ access to cheap financial resources and improving the quality of financial services.

It should be noted that under the wise leadership of the Founder of Peace and National Unity - the Leader of the Nation, the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, His Excellency Emomali Rahmon, during the country’s independence special attention is paid to the implementation of monetary policy, improving the investment climate and creating favorable conditions for the development of entrepreneurship, including women entrepreneurs. 


In this regard, he noted that in 2022, more than 600,000 women were given loans by banking institutions for an amount exceeding 3 billion 400 million somoni, which is 2.4 times more than in 2018. In general, over the past five years, loans issued to women amounted to 12.1 billion somoni. These figures clearly indicate the greater mobilization of women into the field of entrepreneurship in the country.

“The main goal of this contest is to widely promote financial services among the population, entrepreneurs and investors, and especially women entrepreneurs, enhance their access to banking services and encourage credit financial institutions,” as Hokim Kholiqzoda emphasized. 


Then, according to the results of the contest, the winners of the contest "The Best Credit Financial Institutions for Women's Entrepreneurship" were announced.

In the nomination of granting a loan/financing, the first place was awarded to the Closed Joint Stock Company "First Microfinance Bank", the second place to the Closed Joint Stock Company Bank "Arvand", and the third place to the Open Joint Stock Company "Commerzbank of Tajikistan".


In the nomination of attracting deposits, the first place was awarded to the Closed Joint Stock Company “Microcredit Deposit Organization “Humo”, the second place to the State Unitary Enterprise of the Industrial and Export Bank of Tajikistan “Sanoatsodirotbank”, the third place- Limited Liability Company “Azizi-Moliya”.

In the nomination of opening and operating a bank account, the first place was given to the Open Joint Stock Company "Alif Bank", the second place - the State Unitary Enterprise "Savings Bank of the Republic of Tajikistan" Amonatbank ", the third place - the Closed Joint Stock Company "International Bank of Tajikistan".


In the nomination of providing a bank guarantee, the first place was awarded to the Closed Joint Stock Company "Spitamen Bank", the second place - to the Open Joint Stock Company "Bank Eskhata" and the third place - to the Open Joint Stock Company "Oriyonnbank".

For contribution to the development of the banking system and active participation in the contest "The best credit financial institution to serve women's entrepreneurship", the diplomas of the National Bank of Tajikistan was awarded to the Microcredit Deposit Organization "Imon International", Limited Liability Company "Microcredit Deposit Organization "Furuz", Limited Liability Company "Microcredit Deposit Organization "Finca", Closed Joint Stock Company "Halyk Bank Tajikistan".


In addition, for active participation in the contest, letters of grattitude from the National Bank of Tajikistan were awarded to the Open Joint Stock Company “Tavhidbonk”, a branch of the bank “Tijorat” of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Dushanbe, Limited Liability Company "Microcredit deposit organization "MATIN", Closed Joint Stock Company "Microcredit Deposit Organization "Ardo-Capital", Microcredit Fund "Imon", Microcredit Fund "Rushdi Vodii Zarafshon".


The awards were presented to the winners by Chairman of the National Bank of Tajikistan Kholiqzoda Hokim Hikmatullo, First Deputy Chairman of the State Committee on Investments and State Property Management of the Republic of Tajikistan Khurshed Mirzo, Chairman of the Committee on Women and Family Affairs under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan Qurbonzoda Hilolbi Jumakhon, Secretary of the Consultative Council under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan on Improvement investment climate Farhod Abdurahmonov, First Deputy Chairman of the National Bank of Tajikistan Tolibzoda Firdavs Nazrimad, Deputy Chairman of the National Bank of Tajikistan Naziri Gulbahor Nazir and Salimzoda Alijon Abdujalol.


Chairman of the National Bank of Tajikistan Kholikzoda Hokim Hikmatullo thanked the participants of the event for their significant contribution to the development of the economy, banking and financial sectors of the country and wished them success. In particular, he noted that conducting such even at high level will help improve access to financial services, further develop women's entrepreneurship and attract larger number of women to the banking and financial system.

At the end of the event, the artists performed with a concert program at the ceremony.

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