Continued mutually beneficial cooperation with the EBRD

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Continued mutually beneficial cooperation with the EBRD

On August 22, 2023, the First Deputy Chairman of the National Bank of Tajikistan Firdavs Tolibzoda held a meeting with representatives of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) - the newly appointed Head of the EBRD Representative Office in the Republic of Tajikistan Mr. Holger Wiefel, Head of the EBRD Department for Credit Institutions in Central Asia Mr. Jahongir Shamsiev, Senior Banker of the EBRD Department for Credit Institutions Mr. Dmitry Dmitriev and Lead Banker of the EBRD Department for Credit Institutions in Central Asia. During the meeting, the issues of further development of bilateral cooperation were discussed.


The First Deputy Chairman of the National Bank of Tajikistan Firdavs Tolibzoda expressed gratitude to the EBRD for many years of fruitful cooperation and support, in particular for providing financial and technical assistance to the banking system of the Republic of Tajikistan. In addition, he highly appreciated the EBRD's contribution aimed at implementing reforms in the banking system, improving the level of corporate governance, payment system, development of the insurance sector and improving the qualifications of the banking staff.

During the meeting the head of the EBRD office in the Republic of Tajikistan Holger Wifely states their satisfaction with the level of cooperation with the National Bank of Tajikistan and the banking system, and recalled the successes achieved in recent years. According to him, the EBRD intends to continue and expand cooperation with the National Bank of Tajikistan.


Afterwards, an exchange of views was held on the continuation of cooperation in the field of green finance development, climate change, supporting opportunities for stable growth of the insurance market in the Republic of Tajikistan, improvement of the regulatory framework and continuation of insurance sector reforms. Later, important role of the EBRD was highlighted in providing technical assistance for the development of the "Strategy for Development of the Insurance Market of the Republic of Tajikistan", as well as the need to continue cooperation in this direction.

In the final part of the meeting, the two sides expressed their interest in expanding bilateral cooperation.

NBT Press Division

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