Regular meeting of the Compliance Council

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Regular meeting of the Compliance Council

On September 28, 2023 the National Bank of Tajikistan hosted the second meeting of the Compliance Council with participation of representatives of regulatory bodies and state supervision in the field of combating (legalization) of proceeds of crime, financing of terrorism and financing of proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, including representatives of the Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Finance, Communications Service, as well as credit financial institutions and insurance companies.


The meeting was opened with introductory words by the head of the Council (Mirzoaliev H.S. - Director of Financial Monitoring Department) and informed the attendees about the negative consequences of the modern world, including the threats of financing terrorism and extremism, illegal trafficking of drugs and weapons, as well as the growth of fraudulent activities of foreign citizens through propaganda and false advertising through social networks in order to obtain illegal income, and urged the participants to work together to prevent such phenomena.

Further, according to the agenda of the meeting, the representatives of the Financial Monitoring Department made presentations on the changes in the legislation of RT in the field of AML/CFT/PWMD, reporting procedure by credit financial institutions and existing shortcomings in their activities, as well as issues related to fraud through social networks and ways to prevent them.


In addition, in the course of discussions, representatives of credit financial institutions expressed their opinions on topical issues on the agenda of the meeting and made proposals to eliminate shortcomings in their activities, improve the risk management and internal control system.

Financial Monitoring Department

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