Financial Literacy Festival was held in Bokhtar city, Khatlon region

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Financial Literacy Festival was held in Bokhtar city, Khatlon region

The Festival "Financial literacy" was held on November 23, this year in Palace of Culture building and State Emblem square of Bokhtar city with participation of representative of financial credit and insurance institutions, development stakeholders and local partners in order to fulfill the instructions and orders of the Founder of National Peace and Unity - the Leader of the Nation, President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Honorable Emomali Rahmon.


This conference consists of 3 parts; the first part was opened by the Deputy Head of Khatlon region Sulaymonzoda Akram Rahim, who spoke about the importance of financial literacy of population and the necessity to improve it.


In the course of the festival, the Deputy Chairman of National Bank of Tajikistan Gulbahor Naziri spoke about the implementation of goals of the National Financial Inclusion Strategy of the Republic of Tajikistan for 2022-2026 and the role of financial literacy in development of the country's banking system.


During this process, a number of banking experts, successful entrepreneurs and representatives of foreign companies expressed their interesting opinions on various topics related to the financial literacy.


In particular the Director of Institute of Economics and Demography of the National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan, Doctor of Economics, Professor Sharif Rahimzoda has addressed the Festival with detailed presentation on Financial education and its necessity, Deputy Head of Department- Head of Analysis and Development of Digital Financial Services of National Bank of Tajikistan Furqat Rakhmatov on Non-cash payments and ways to prevent the actions of financial fraudsters, Head of International Financial Corporation of the World Bank (IFC) Farrukh Sultonov on Impact of social norms on financial behavior, General Director of Mobile Company O-mobile Firdavs Zevarov on Financial security and Deputy Head of Insurance Supervision Department of National Bank of Tajikistan Boburkhon Boboev on Insurance system of the Republic of Tajikistan.


In order to make the "Financial Literacy" forum interesting and enjoyable, well-known comedians performed comic scenes on topics of finance and credit at the event.


It is worth noting that at the end of the first part of the festival there was a question-and-answer session between the participants and development partners have given gifts to active participants.


More than 500 people including students and teachers of general high schools and vocational colleges, teachers and students of universities, employees of financial credit institutions and representatives of foreign organizations have attended the forum.


In the second part of the festival the "Exhibition of financial and insurance products" was held in the State Emblem area of Bokhtar city, where financial and insurance institutions and individual entrepreneurs presented their financial and industrial products to the participants.


It is worth to mention that during the performance on the main stage of the theater, representatives of credit and insurance institutions arranged intellectual games for participants and have awarded the winners with valuable gifts. Also, children's entertainment center "Sinbod Park" held intellectual games, questions and answers, crosswords and other fun activities for children and teenagers.

In the third part of the festival, a cultural event was held, where Tajik pop singers praised their passionate performances and raised the mood of audience with their songs.


And finally, it should be noted that more than 1million 500 thousand people were informed about the Festival "Financial Literacy" through Facebook and Instagram social networks and 8,000 people have participated in the event directly.

Press Division

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