Address of the Leader of Nation is the torch of creation, self-awareness and self-consciousness

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Address of the Leader of Nation is the torch of creation, self-awareness and self-consciousness

On January 30, 2024, the meeting with participation of top officials and employees in the National Bank of Tajikistan was held. The fundamental principles of the Message of the Founder of Peace and National Unity - Leader of the Nation, President of the Republic of Tajikistan, honorable Emomali Rahmon had been considered in the meeting.


Chairman of the National Bank of Tajikistan, honorable Tolibzoda Firdavs Nazrimad opened the meeting and pointed out that all spheres of society’s political, economic and socio-cultural life, including banking system of the country for 2023 had been considered and summed up at the next Massage of the Leader of Nation and tasks for their effective activity for 2024 had been determined. All issues touched upon in the Message were directed to protection of national interests, development of statehood, growth and prosperity of country, improvement of population’s well-being.    

Also, it had been noted that at the beginning of his Message honorable Leader of Nation mentioned that in spite of difficulties there have been achieved a significant progress in every aspect of society’s life and the country’s GDP increased by 8.3 percent.  

In the course of his speech Firdavs Tolibzoda pointed out for the last years the attention of the Government of the country is directed mainly to prevention of potential risks to the national economy, making efficient use of available resources, intensive industrialization and jobs creation.     

It had been also noted that establishment of “green economy”, acceleration the economy’s digitalization, development of human resources, raising the competitiveness of homegrown goods, bolstering export prospects and enhancing the standard of social services are the main priorities of great importance for the country.    


It had been noted that inflation rate for this period remained constant and made 3.8 percent for 2023. This indicator is the best in contrast to the indicators of the countries of the region.   

The issues of rise of income to state budget, budget allocations for science and education spheres, healthcare and other social spheres, support of vulnerable groups of   population through payment of pensions, compensations, and selective support of low-income groups, support of social spheres and other issues had been touched upon in the Message, - Firdavs Tolibzoda Chairman of the National Bank of Tajikistan said.  

It had been also noted that the ministries of finances, economic development and trade, as well as the National Bank of Tajikistan and other ministries and agencies has been authorized in the next two years to implement a non-cash payment system in all sectors, including in the trade and service points and assure the integration of efforts in this direction.     .

Also the Leader of Nation instructed the pointed structures to take necessary measures for development of securities market, particularly “green” ones and secondary market to attract domestic and foreign capital.


President of the country, honorable Emomali Rahmon also touched upon the issue of legal education of citizens to form developed society and proposed in honour of 30th anniversary of adoption of the Constitution of the Republic of Tajikistan to declare 2024 the “Year of Legal Enlightenment”, - Tolibzoda Firdavs pointed out.  

Then Head of Translation Division, Chairman Office of the NBT
Sulton Hasan Barotzoda - Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan, Doctor of Philology made a report on the theme “Basic aspects of the Message of the Leader of Nation to the Majlisi Oli of the Republic of Tajikistan”.

Sulton Hasan Barotzoda expressed his opinion on issues raised in the Message of the Leader of Nation to Majlisi Oli, including on commercial and regional conflicts, violation of international economic and financial cooperation and its impact on national economy of the Republic of Tajikistan, growth rate of national economy, GDP volume, improvement of social services quality and other spheres of economy.  

Sulton Hasan Barotzoda also pointed out that according to the Message of the Leader of Nation in 2023 the assets of the country’s credit financial structures arose by 22 percent in 2023 compared to the previous year and the banking’s system loan offer increased by 31.1 percent in 2023 compared to 2022.   


The total amount of small loans provided scaled by 32.1%, loans to women – entrepreneurs grew by 30 percent. The total overall savings of the population and legal entities in domestic credit institutions has been scaled by 32 percent.

At the end of his speech Sulton Hasan Barotzoda mentioned that the Message of the Leader of Nation is a sort of torch lighting up the way of creation and construction, self-awareness and self-consciousness and national proud.

In conclusion, Chairman of the National Bank of Tajikistan Firdavs Tolibzoda called on those present to direct every effort to realization of instructions mentioned in the Message. He also pointed out that a plan of measures on execution of instructions mentioned in the Message is being developed in the National Bank of Tajikistan, timely implementation of which is the main task of all employees of the National Bank of Tajikistan.

Press Division

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