Meeting of Firdavs Tolibzoda with Mr. Kwon Dong Seok

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Meeting of Firdavs Tolibzoda with Mr. Kwon Dong Seok

On the 20th February, 2024, Chairman of the National Bank of Tajikistan Mr. Tolibzoda Firdavs Nazrimad met with Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Korea Mr. Kwon Dong Seok.

During the meeting, held in the atmosphere of mutual understanding, the parties exchanged of view on current situation of banking system of the country and investment opportunities, as well as the prospect of Tajikistan – Korea relations development.


The Chairman of the National Bank of Tajikistan appreciated significant contribution of the Republic of Korea to the capacity building of the country’s banking system and emphasized that fields such as trade, production, infrastructure, science and education, labor migration, culture, humanitarian aid and others have been prevailing lately.

Including, in 2023, the Bank of Korea and the Ministry of Economy and Finance of Korea organized training and educational events on financial development in Asia and Korea, financial stability, strengthening of digital power in development of capital market and economic development in post-covid period, internal audit and transition to green economy which the employees of the National Bank of Tajikistan participated in and improved their knowledge.


Taking the opportunity, it was hoped that cooperation would continue in this direction and a great number of employees of our country’s banks would benefit the experience of their Korean coworkers. Since the realization of such educational events will increase the employees ‘qualification and promote banking system development.

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Korea Mr. Kwon Dong Seok, in his turn, pointed out that President of the Republic of Tajikistan, honorable Emomali Rahmon is interested in mutually beneficial cooperation with the Republic of Korea and signing of Intergovernmental Agreement project on entry of the Republic of Tajikistan into system of work permit in the Republic of Korea is the evidence of mutual cooperation development.     

Then the parties expressed their perfect willingness to implementation of the cooperation of banking system of the Republic of Tajikistan and opening of correspondent accounts and added this measure is timely and will exert influence on the development of parties’ economy.    


At the same time it was assured of cooperation development with Korean national payment system (KFTC) in the field of digitalization of payments, non-cash settlements.

At the end the parties expressed their interests in further development and strengthening of effective cooperation.

It should be noted that a researcher of the Embassy of the Republic of Korea in the Republic of Tajikistan Mrs. Choy Khanna, Deputy Consul Mr. Li Jisiong and heads of a number of structural subdivisions of the National Bank of Tajikistan participated in the meeting.


Press Division


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