IMF Executive Board approved the Policy Coordination Instrument for Tajikistan

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IMF Executive Board approved the Policy Coordination Instrument for Tajikistan

In connection with Tajikistan’s request on strengthening economic policies and supporting the implementation of vital structural reforms, on February 28, 2024 the Executive Board of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) approved a twenty-two-month Policy Coordination Instrument (PCI) for Tajikistan.

PCI Program aims to maintain macroeconomic stability, strengthen the authority’s policy frameworks and support their efforts to ensure more sustainable and inclusive growth and its reviews will take place on a semi-annual fixed schedule.

It should be noted that the PCI Program aims to improve the fiscal stability for enhancing high priority social expenditures and contributing to a further reduction in the public debt.   

The fiscal reforms will improve revenues mobilization and efficiency of social spendings within the program, and reinforce social protection of vulnerable segments of population as well promote gradual transition toward inflation targeting.  

Enhancing capacity building of Tajikistan on the long-term basis, improvement of Central bank governance, strengthening fiscal risks management and supervision of state-owned enterprises, enhancing mechanisms of efficient AML/CTF/FPWMD and counteraction against corruption, increasing transparency of extractive sector, improving financial inclusion and resilience to climate risks are the high priorities envisaged in the PCI Program.

Press Division

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