Mother is a symbol of human life’s eternity and flourishing

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Mother is a symbol of human life’s eternity and flourishing

On March 7, 2024, a grand festive event in honor of Mother’s Day was held in the National Bank of Tajikistan. The event was chaired by the Chairman of the National Bank of Tajikistan Tolibzoda Firdavs Nazrimad in which the employees of the Bank as well as women - veteran of the Bank participated.


At first, Chairman of the National Bank of Tajikistan Tolibzoda Firdavs sincerely congratulated the women on Mother's Day which on the initiative of the Founder of Peace and National Unity - Leader of the Nation, President of the Republic of Tajikistan honorable Emomali Rahmon was declared an official holiday in Tajikistan and expressed that “in fact, at all times a mother is a symbol of eternity and flourishing of human life”. Therefore, coincidence of the celebration of Mother's Day with the days of flourishing nature and the eve of “Navruz” International holiday has its philosophy and proves the eternal and perpetual connection of these holidays.

As it is known, it is the high status of the mother, her efforts and good and loving behavior that caused humanity to always love and cherish the mother as the greatest and holiest human being. Therefore, we are always in need of mothers and we seek help from mothers when we face any problems.


Firdavs Tolibzoda emphasized that the declaration of Mother's Day as an official state holiday in Tajikistan created favorable conditions for further raising the status of women and mothers in our society. It is also gratifying that the Leader of the Nation pays special attention to issues related to mothers and women in every interview, meeting and speech, and respects, recognizes and fully supports this segment of society as an initiative, responsible, professional and hardworking force.


Leader of the Nation, President of the Republic of Tajikistan honorable Emomali Rahmon in the next Address to the Majli Oli of the Republic of Tajikistan stated “during the independence period we gradually raised the status of women in the society and created appropriate employment condition for them”.

In this regard he noted that “Today our women in addition to working in the public service system have created manufacturing and service enterprises and have earned a reputation as successful entrepreneurs. For example, the number of loans offered to businesswomen increased by 30 percent in the previous year and reached 4.8 billion somoni”.

"It should be noted that the National Bank of Tajikistan pays special attention to the issue of professional development of employees from among women, training and improving their skills, recruitment, appointment and promotion of professional and literate women to leading positions. Currently, women make up 248 or 29.1 percent of employees of the National Bank of Tajikistan with 38 of them holding leading positions.


Last year, 66 specialists were promoted to higher positions, of which 16 are women. It should be noted that in the future more priority will be given to skilled and talented women and girls when selecting, recruiting and appointing of personnel," - Firdavs Tolibzoda noted.

Then, a Head of Translation Division, Chairman Office of the NBT Sulton Hasan Barotzoda - Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan, Doctor of Philology made a report on celebration of Mother's Day and congratulated women on Mother's Day.

In the continuation of the ceremonial event the employees of the National Bank of Tajikistan recited poems in honor of a woman - a mother as a symbol of eternity of human life.


The cultural and entertainment program by the amateurs group which was mainly dedicated to women and mothers raised the spirits of the audience.

At the end of the event Chairman of the National Bank of Tajikistan Tolibzoda Firdavs Nazrimad once again congratulated the women of the National Bank of Tajikistan and, in their person all the women of the republic's banking system on Mother's Day wishing them happiness, prosperity, peace and happiness.


Press Division

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