NBT announces competition

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NBT announces competition

     We bring to the attention of graduates of comprehensive schools (lyceum and gymnasiums) of the Republic of Tajikistan, that the National bank of Tajikistan together with the The International training and methodology center for financial monitoring (ITMCFM) of Moscow city (ITCFM) announces competition for entrance in Institute of financial and economic safety of National research nuclear university of Moscow (MEPhI) on a speciality «Information security of financial and economic structures» (2 quotas are allocated) for 2013-2014.


     1. Applicants are supposed to entrance examinations in Moscow city only after preliminary interview with teachers IFES in profile subjects in a video conferencing mode;
     2. Applicants should know following disciplines perfectly: state language, Russian, mathematics and physics;
      3. Applicants should be citizens of Republic Tajikistan;
     4. Applicants, who will enter the university, are obliged to come back to Tajikistan after the graduation from the Institute and work at the National bank of Tajikistan at least five years.

     For participation in COMPETITION it is necessary to present the commissions of the National bank of Tajikistan following documents:
     1. The Application form should be filled by hand by the applicant (attached)
     2. Copy of passport
     3. two photos (3Х4)

     The deadline for submission of documents is before April 15, 2013. Address: National bank of Tajikistan, 107 a Rudaki Avenue, Dushanbe, Personnel Management. Contact phones: (44) 600-32-14; (44) 600-32-32, Fax: (44) 600-32-31,


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