Growth of total volume of loan balance was continued

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Growth of total volume of loan balance was continued

     At the end of May of the current year, according to the banking system of the country, the total volume of loan balance in the republic in comparison with the similar period of last year has increased to 39,9%. In the structure of loan balance for 5 months of the current year has made 64,1% (TJS 4’025,4 million), the volume of short-term loans has made 35,9% (TJS 2’249,8million) and the volume of long-term loans has made 24,2%.
     For reporting period the weighted average rate on loans in banking system by national currency has made 24, 58 %, in foreign currency 21, 05% annual.
     On May, in view of high demand continued the growth trend of micro loans and in comparison with the similar period of last year has increased to 49,5%.Including, micro-loans which are issued to the remote mountain regions on TJS 375,6 million that in comparison with the same period of last year has increased to 46,1%.


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