NBT: No evidence for counterfeit banknotes

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NBT: No evidence for counterfeit banknotes

    According repute and guesses of some representatives of mass-media concerning counterfeited banknotes in circulation the National Bank of Tajikistan informs that in current year there is not found any counterfeit banknotes in circulation.
    With a view of prevention of threat of probable receipt of counterfeit banknotes, and also within the limits of planned actions, the National Bank of Tajikistan has sent letter to the financial institutions, credit institutions, owners of exchange offices and Regional Departments of bank with the recommendation to be careful during reception and transfer of cash resources and to show vigilance concerning this issue.    
    It is necessary to notice that banknotes are covered by modern protective elements, which eliminate all possibilities of counterfeit, including attempts of issuing counterfeit banknotes. As an example, banknotes with denomination TJS 20, 50 and 100 covered by new laser element defense, and the last three serial number on kinegram are printed by a laser way. Interestingly the given element is one of the innovations in the field of issuing of banknotes. Unfortunately, at all times there are some people or group of persons, who anywise want to issue counterfeit banknotes into circulation and to mislead the people. However, as practice of last years has shown, the presence of many modern protective elements in banknotes essentially has complicated the work of criminals, and they couldn’t carry out criminal intentions.     
    Therefore, using the possibility and with a view of timely establishment and averting of probable occurrence of counterfeit banknotes, once again we will refer to the credit institutions and financial institutions, enterprises and organizations, trade and service points to undertake necessary organizational, technical and control measures. The fast-changing and developing world requires from us to be always cautious and ready for averting of such illegal actions.


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