First session of the Interagency Working Group has taken place

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First session of the Interagency Working Group has taken place

    On January, 6th of the current year the first session of the Interagency Working Group on development of secondary securities market has taken place. The mentioned group was established by the Decision of the XIIth Session of the Advisory Council under the President of the Republic Tajikistan on improvement of investment climate from among the employees of the National Bank of Tajikistan, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade, the State Committee on Investment and State Property Management and the Advisory Council under the President of the Republic Tajikistan.
    During the first session of the Working group the practical questions on performance of commissions of session of the Advisory Council under the President of the country have been considered. In particular, the decision to plan methods and principles of activity of secondary securities market with use of advanced practice and modern world technologies was accepted.
    With the view of extension of studying and preparation of new proposals is planned to hold the next session of the Working group at the end of January of the current year.


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