In the National Bank of Tajikistan three students were selected for study in Moscow

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In the National Bank of Tajikistan three students were selected for study in Moscow

The National Bank of Tajikistan under cooperation and on demand of International Training-methodical Centre of Financial Monitoring of Euro Asian Group of States have declared competition for training qualified specialists in the field of financial monitoring between Tajik National University, Russian-Tajik Slavonic University and Technical University by name M. Osimi.  After nominations of students by the abovementioned Universities, in the final tour were participated 15 applicants.  From among participators there were selected three candidates, who are met a requirements of competition.  In accordance with the decision of committee in the new academic year, nominations of Mr. Faizulloev Akbarsho and Ms.Rukhshonai Muhammad – Students of the Second course of “Information Technology and Communication” faculty of the Technical University by name M. Osimi and Ms. Shogunbekova Lalmo, Student of the Second course “Economics and Management” faculty of the Tajik National University were assigned for study in Moscow city on specialty: “Economic and Financial Security”.  Press-Center NBT

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