The exchange rates of foreign currencies in the cash market retained a tendency of decline

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The exchange rates of foreign currencies in the cash market retained a tendency of decline

The average exchange rates of foreign currencies in the cash market of the republic on January 22 and for the days off retained a tendency of decline and made on the average TJS 4,3670-4,3810 for 1 USD, TJS 1,4222 -1,4352 for 10 Russian rubles and TJS 6,1570-6,2150 for 1 Euro.

The average exchange rates of transactions with USD and Euro in the inter-bank and intra-bank markets on January 22 have slightly decreased and made TJS 4,3705 for 1 USD and TJS 6,2210 for 1 Euro and the exchange rate of operations with the Russian ruble has slightly increased and made TJS 1,4698 for 10 Russian rubles.

Today, on January 25, the average exchange rate of USD in the exchange bureaus of Dushanbe made TJS 4,3650-4,3780.


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