Transactions on buying-selling foreign currency in the inter-bank market have increased

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Transactions on buying-selling foreign currency in the inter-bank market have increased

On November 20 and for the days off the average exchange rate of US dollar in the basic segments of the exchange market decreased. Thus, in the exchange bureaus of Dushanbe and Soghd regions it made on the average TJS 4,3560-4,3740 for 1 US dollar. The average rates of operations with the Russian ruble and Euro have slightly raised and made TJS 1,4760-1,4960 for 10 Russian rubles and TJS 6,4540-6,5070 for 1 Euro.

The volume of transactions on buying and selling foreign currencies and rates, formed out in the inter-bank and intra-bank markets testify to activation of operations with the Russian ruble and Euro. As a whole, the average buying-selling rates of US dollar and the Russian ruble on effected operations have slightly decreased and made TJS 4,3501 for 1 US dollar and TJS 1,4827 for 10 Russian rubles accordingly. The average buying-selling rates of Euro in comparison with them have a little raised and made TJS 6,5735 for 1 Euro.


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