The exchange rate of USD in the internal exchange market has changed

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The exchange rate of USD in the internal exchange market has changed

On December 8, current year and this morning the average exchange rate of US dollar in the cash market of Dushanbe city and other regions of the republic tended to increase and it made on the average TJS 4,3880-4,4080 for 1 USD. As to the rates of the Russian ruble and Euro they have a little decreased and 10 Russian rubles have made TJS 1,4520 -1,4650, 1 Euro – TJS 6,4500-6,5000.

The reason of the increase of US dollar’s rate to TJS is strengthening of US dollar’s rate to the Russian ruble and Euro.

On inter-bank and intra-bank segments of the market the US dollar’s exchange rate also has a little raised and established at level TJS 4,37- 4,38 for 1 USD. But, during the same time, the rates of the Russian ruble and Euro have a little gone down and 10 Russian rubles on the average have made TJS 1,46 -1,47 and 1 Euro – TJS 6,48-6,49.


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