Meeting of the Heads of the National Bank of Tajikistan and China Exim Bank

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Meeting of the Heads of the National Bank of Tajikistan and China Exim Bank

Chairman of the NBT Alimardonov M.M. has received the delegation of China Exim bank under the leadership of Mr.Li Tzun.

During this meeting were discussed the projects on provided favorable credit, given by China Exim Bank to the Republic of Tajikistan. This credit was granted in the framework of implementation of investment projects of SOC. Particularly, it relates to long-term crediting for building of two power supply lines: Lolazor-Khatlon” and “South-North”. This credit was signed during the visit of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan Mr.Rahmonov E. to China.

The collocutors also discussed the problems of cooperation expansion between two banks.

Visit of the delegation of China Exim Bank to Tajikistan is continuing.

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