Tajik-Kazakh Business-Forum “Prospects of Investment Cooperation” Took Place at National Bank of Tajikistan.

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Tajik-Kazakh Business-Forum “Prospects of Investment Cooperation” Took Place at National Bank of Tajikistan.

On the 13th of September, 2007, within the framework of the official visit of the President of Republic Kazakhstan N.Nazarbaev to the Republic of Tajikistan, Tajik-Kazakh Business-Forum “Prospects of Investment Cooperation " took place at National Bank of Tajikistan in which President of the Republic of Tajikistan E.Rahmon and President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.Nazarbaev have taken part.

President E.Rahmon had opening address his to business-forum participants with the salutatory reference. In particular he said that Tajikistan and Kazakhstan are connected with ties of friendship and cooperation; the given business-forum is called to become the bridge of business contacts establishment. Political environment created in Tajikistan promotes the improvement of investment climate, - has noted Head of the State. Trade turnover between our countries for last years has considerably increased. President RТ has named priority directions of cooperation of our countries such as sectors of water-power engineering, mountain-ore treating industry, cotton sector, tourism. Tajikistan remains to be the largest owner of hydropower resources and 6 % of an available potential are used only at the moment. Development increasing of the electric power up to 80 billion kilowatt-hours is planned by 2025. Realization of construction projects of hydroelectric power station, transmission facilities, etc. has regional character and economically profitable for all countries in the region, - E.Rahmon has emphasized.

The president of Republic Kazakhstan N.Nazarbaev, making his speech with the salutatory reference to business-forum participants, has noted that during negotiations with a governing body of Tajikistan the matters of interaction, having strategic value have been discussed.

Speaking about an investment climate of Kazakhstan, N.Nazarbaev has emphasized, that in the country has received 70 billion US dollars of foreign investments that 80 % of total investment to the Central-Asian region. Besides, internal investments of the country amount to 80 billion US dollars at the present time. For given time,about 60 states of the world invest to the economy of Kazakhstan. Head of Kazakhstan has noted, that the country intends to continue its investment, alongside with other countries (lately, volume of investments of Kazakhstan to abroad amounted to 26 billion US dollars). Tajikistan is among them. He has emphasized that 74 enterprises of Tajikistan work in Kazakhstan nowadays. Increasing the amount of Kazakh enterprises, party involved to operate in RT is planed. Tajikistan formed favorable economic and legislative bases for this process.

N.Nazarbaev has especially emphasized interest of Kazakhstan in development of the countries of region, including RT.

At the end of Presidents of Tajikistan and Kazakhstan appearance, one-day business-forum with participation of Heads of Ministries and Agencies, heads of large enterprises, banks and investment companies took place.

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