Speech of the National Bank of Tajikistan Chairman Murodali Alimardon at the Press-Conference

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Speech of the National Bank of Tajikistan Chairman Murodali Alimardon at the Press-Conference

Recently among population of our republic are spread many rumors about flour and wheat deficit and their prices increasing. The given hearings have no soil under themselves, these rumors are completely invented and directed to force the population of the republic to purchase the given products in reserve as much as possible, sabotaging an excessive expenses for their purchase, therefore it will lead to destabilization of the country’s food market.

We bring to the public’s notice that the given assumptions have no real bases.

For last years the flour and wheat prices in the markets of the country and in the regional markets were stable. In fact, for last months the prices of mentioned products in the world markets have raised. Prices’ change took place in all countries of the region, including Tajikistan.

Whereas our country is the importer of given production, the flour and wheat prices raised in domestic markets, having reached the maximum point. If we will follow the tastes of hearings now and further and admit haste, it can lead to prices increasing and market destabilization.

On the other hand, administrative intervention of local executing authorities in the prices settlement, also will lead to the given production deficit. Therefore, prices in the market should be free and they should be defined with the supply and demand account.

The population requirement for provisions is provided, basically, for account of import. In particular, for 9 months of the current year the total wheat import volume has made 205,4 thousands tons, flour - 332,3 thousands tons and vegetable oil - 43,5 thousands tons. That in comparison with the similar period of the previous year is more on 8,9 tons of wheat, 66,1 thousands tons of flour, and 6,9 thousands tons of vegetable oil.

By an assignment of the President of Republic Tajikistan, distinguished Emomali Rahmon, all corresponding state authority structures expressed readiness to provide flour and wheat import in the republic in full volume.

The Tajikistan Government, within the economic cooperation framework with the Russian Federation’s and Kazakhstan’s Governments, creates favorable conditions on flour and wheat export and import. Now republican companies and organizations concluded corresponding flour and wheat delivery contracts with industrial companies of these countries. Necessary means were allocated for uninterrupted production import into the republic.

Besides, the country’s reserves of this kind of production have increased. In the current year delivery of 800 thousands tons of given production is planned, that in comparison with 2006 it is more on 150 thousands tons. Thus, is simultaneously adjusted flour manufacture at republican flour-mills alongside with increasing the volume of its manufacture.

With confidence it is possible to affirm, that the necessary flour and wheat volume is purchased and prepared. It will allow to keep market stability and to satisfy population demand for this foodstuff completely.

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