Statistics of Inter-bank Settlements

As a whole for the nine months of 2020, the total number of payments made by various settlement methods (interbank, direct correspondent relations and correspondent accounts (subaccounts) opened with the National Bank of Tajikistan) were more than 121 273 thousand amounted TJS 880 607 million. The number of payments, compared with the similar period of 2019, increased by 35%, and the total amount of payments increased by 54%

The total volume of payments made through the payment system of National Bank of Tajikistan within nine months of 2020 has made up TJS 301 306 million. The volume of payments increased by 29,2%, compared with the similar period of 2019. The number of payments has made 1 881 thousand in total, which shows an increase by 2 % compared with the same period of 2019.

The volume of the payments processed through the direct correspondent relations for the nine months of 2020 has made TJS 829 million, that is 51,6% less compared with the same period of 2019. The number of payments has made 25 thousand pieces that is 2,6 times less compared with the same period of 2019.

Dynamics of change of interbank payments


Cross-border payments are carried out by transfer of financial messages through SWIFT network viaSWIFTAlliance Accessinterface.SWIFTSociety Members (Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication) are the National Bank of Tajikistan and 22credit financialinstitutions which are participants of Public access point to SWIFTnetwork, organizedin the National BankTajikistan.