Meeting with World Bank’s economic team

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Meeting with World Bank’s economic team

On October 6, 2015 in the course of meeting have discussed technical assistance requirements issues, analytical support of banking system analysis for realization of programs and reforms between Mr. Jamoliddin Nuraliev, First Deputy Chairman of the National Bank of Tajikistan and the World Bank’s economic team headed by Mrs. Miria Pigato, Manager of Global Practice on Macroeconomic and Fiscal Management in Central Asia, Caucasus, Russia and Caribbean region. 


In the beginning of the meeting Mr. Jamoliddin Nuraliev has introduced World Bank’s team with current macroeconomic situation, republic budget, inflation, achievements in banking systems and structural reforms implementation in the National Bank of Tajikistan. Also, he has noticed that within last 3-5 years Tajikistan’s economy has considerably grown, country’s budget has increased in times, inflation rate for eight months of current year has made only 3,2 % which is less on 2,2 percentage points against same period of previous year. Certainly, as well as in other countries, due to financial and economic crisis influence, especially in banking system of the country, there were some problems and for their elimination it is required technical assistance. 


At the same time, Head of World Bank’s team during meeting has noticed that the purpose of their visit to Tajikistan is studying of current problems, definition of necessary conditions for providing assistance and creation of policy of support and technical assistance, and thus, economy development. Also, it was underlined that useful and effective cooperation can be carried out by means of separate programs of the World Bank for support of state budget, maintenance exchange rate of national currency and banking sector.

During discussion parties have noticed that concrete issues of bilateral cooperation will be comprehensively considered at meetings with the next mission of the World Bank.


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