NBT: first round of competition to fill the vacancies has taken place

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NBT: first round of competition to fill the vacancies has taken place

On October 27, 2015 in the National Bank of Tajikistan has taken place the first round of competition to fill the vacancies for the purpose of increase of the level of knowledge and professional skills of employees, gradual maintenance of efficiency of banking activity in the framework of proceeding structural reforms.

More than 400 applicants took part in competition who passed documents in fixed dates to the Personnel Department of the National Bank of Tajikistan. According to the specified requirements and condition, the first round of competition passed in written form (test). Test questions in the first round for definition of theoretical knowledge level of candidates included simple questions and tasks.

Candidates successfully passed the first round will be admitted to the second round of competition where will be an interview.

It should be noted that candidates who will show high level of knowledge, excellent professional skills and broad work experience will be appointed to high responsible posts.


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