Representatives of Thomson Reuters presented its product

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Representatives of Thomson Reuters presented its product

On October 27, 2015 in National Bank Tajikistan with participation of credit institutions representatives was held presentation of programs and production of one of the leading world companies Thomson Reuters on introduction of uniform trading platform for implementation of monetary operations of the National Bank and credit institutions, perfection of monetary tools, trade in securities, currency transactions and control of these operations in the interbank market.


It should be noted that in the second decade of August the same meeting had been hold with representatives of companies Blumberg and Thomson Reuters. After presentation of production of the above-stated companies representatives of the credit institutions have counted prices and tariffs for services of terminals and have approved production of the company Thomson Reuters as uniform platform for system of the electronic auctions. Within two months, majority of the credit institutions of the country have adjusted cooperation with the Thomson Reuters, having signed necessary agreements.


In this event, highly skilled specialists on organization of uniform platform for system of the electronic auctions under the guidance of Mr. Alexander Auhariev, Head of Business Development of the Thomson Reuters in CIS held detailed presentation on schemes of installation and adjustment of services, carrying out of the currency-exchange auctions, review of auction system and carrying out of test auction, and also broadcasting of quotations for participants of the market, having shown practical application of this system.


During meeting representatives of the credit institutions of republic have received full and complete reply concerning their access to uniform platform of the electronic auctions within country and international markets, performance of requirements on using production and information terminals "Eikon", “Thomson Reuters messenger”, “Thomson Reuters FX Trading”, services of technical support in Moscow, Alma-Ata and other important issues connected with work in uniform platform of the electronic currency auctions.


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