Seminar with the ADB delegation

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Seminar with the ADB delegation

The Asian Development Bank delegation, which is in Dushanbe from November 30 till December 9, current year, arrived within the Technical Assistance Project for the Republic of Tajikistan “On improvement of Anti-money Laundering and Combating Terrorism Financing (AML/CTF). 


There was arranged the seminar within the above mentioned Technical Assistance on National Risks Assessment on December 3, current year in the National Bank of Tajikistan by the Working team on assessment of national risks under the Interdepartmental Commission on Anti-money Laundering and Combating Terrorism Financing.

The First Deputy Chairman of the National Bank of Tajikistan Mr.Nuraliev J.K. has opened the meeting with a welcome speech. 


He has noted that the Republic Tajikistan has done a number of important actions in this direction, in particular the effective operating system is in place, there are developed and approved statutory acts according to which the system operates. During his speech Mr.Jamoliddin Nuraliev also has underlined that introduction of sound AML/ CTF system will promote the elimination of state security risks, improvement and attraction of investment and financial climate and etc. During the seminar it has been noted that ways of reliable assessment establishment and definition of Anti-money laundering and combating terrorism financing are considered as an important part of development of AML/CTF system in the Republic of Tajikistan.

It is necessary to note that implementation of assessment of national risks is considered as one of basic requirements of new recommendation of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF).

According to the schedule, the seminar with participation of government authorities and private sector representatives will last two days during which its participants intend to discuss important issues of the AML/CTF system development.


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