Briefing in the NBT: situation in the internal exchange market and national currency exchange rate for 2015 is discussed

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Briefing in the NBT: situation in the internal exchange market and national currency exchange rate for 2015 is discussed

The briefing for representatives of domestic and foreign mass-media held today, on December 4, current year in the National Bank of Tajikistan with participation of the First Deputy Chairman of the National Bank of Tajikistan Mr. Nuraliev J. К, in which the situation of internal exchange market and national currency exchange rate in 2015 has been discussed. 


It has been noted that for last two weeks there were published and spread many materials concerning the situation of internal cash exchange market, national exchange rate on pages of newspapers and other editions, Internet - sites of news agencies, on republican and foreign broadcasting channels. The majorities of these materials in essence mismatches the validity and incorrectly show reasons of the occurred situation. Certainly, it is not a secret and you are aware that for last days it was observed instability of internal exchange market and cash US dollar in relation to somoni has sharply raised.

In our republic on the base of current situation wrongly described by representatives of mass-media and so-called independent economic experts there were attempts to spread panic among the population, also they have made groundless conclusions with no indication of objective and reliable proofs and corresponding figures whereas the change of cash US dollar exchange rate occurred in last and recent years in all CIS countries and other countries of the world, was regarded by them as an usual occurrence.

Mr.Jamoliddin Nuraliev has noted that at the same time the Press-service of the National Bank of Tajikistan in order to ensure a transparency of the Bank activity, daily provides the information on internal exchange market situation and national currency exchange rate, worked out plans and measures on their implementation through the Internet - site of the Bank and other mass media.

Taking the opportunity, during the given briefing held by presence of representatives of domestic and foreign mass-media, considering current situation, the management of the NBT has decided to provide the necessary information on occurred situation and implemented policy.

It is not a secret today that continuation of political and economic crisis, and also financial instability in a number of countries of the world, including in countries of basic trading partners and neighbored countries to Tajikistan negatively influences an economy of the republic, especially the internal exchange market.

Thus, according to last analyses, since the beginning of the year till December 4, current year the official rate of somoni has decreased from TJS 5, 3074 to TJS 6,7637 for 1 US dollar or by 27,4 %. 


The cash (market) US dollar exchange rate has increased from TJS 5,47 to TJS 7,18 for 1 cash US dollar or 31,3 %. It could be seen even at superficial sight and comparison of the below mentioned figures that despite the availability of powerful economy, great volume of gold and exchange stocks and their use there was occurred depreciation of majority of currencies of the world countries against the US dollar. In particular for this period the euro exchange rate has decreased by 12,4 %, exchange rate of the Russian ruble by 12,7 %, Kazakh tenge by 68,6 %, Kirghiz som - 28,8 %, Uzbek sum by 13,5 %, Belarus ruble by 51,5 %, Chinese yuan by 2,9 % and Japanese yen by 3,1 %.

We give one more example for the analysis: an exchange rate of cash US dollar in relation to Tajik somoni from January 1, till May 4, current year has increased by 24,6 %, and since this date to present by 6,7 % in whole. It is necessary to note that 6,1 % of this increase falls on last decade of November. Such sharp change testifies to brevity and fundamentally to subjectivity and speculative nature of the given change.

According to the NBT management’s opinion the following factors were the reason of cash exchange rate sharp change:

- a tendency of strengthening of the US dollar with the account of expectations of interest rates increase on loans by the central bank of the USA (FRS) (possibly in the middle of December);

- deterioration of geopolitical situation in the world, due to conflicts in Syria and Turkey, decrease and instability of prices for oil and in this connection an excessive fluctuation of national currency exchange rate in countries our basic trading partners (Russian Federation);

-seasonal factor and in this connection decrease of the inflow of foreign currency to the republic, first of all due to reduction of remittances of physical persons and increase in demand for cash foreign currency;

- psychological factors in connection with expectation of worsening situation in the world, in the region and resulting change of exchange rate, and on this base a decrease in sale of cash US dollar and increase in demand of population on its purchase;

-speculative factors arisen due to actions of exchange offices’ staff and attempts of preservation of high profits received by them earlier for account of difference of exchange rate in the informal market of purchase and sale of cash US dollar;

-fears and a panic, excessive trustfulness to all unreasonable, false hearings on which basis physical persons will hasty exchange their money resources, agreeing on all exchange rates offered by speculators and incurring losses finally. 


The First Deputy Chairman of the National Bank of Tajikistan has paid attention of attendees to that the NBT undertakes a number of necessary actions in order to ensure a stability of internal exchange market and smoothing change of the exchange rate.

For last week the NBT experts as a part of Working team jointly with public prosecutor authorities and Agency on state financial control and fight against corruption of the Republic of Tajikistan carried out the daily control of exchange offices activity of Dushanbe city and districts of republican subordination. As the result, up to day it was commenced legal proceeding in relation to 38 officers of exchange bureaus of credit institutions and charged large penalties from their owners - banks and microcredit deposit institutions. 


With a view of introduction of new procedure of exchange operations, it will be closed exchange bureaus till the end of current year and exchange operations will be held in cash desks of banking services centers, branches and head offices of credit institutions (temporary in money transfer offices).

Also with a view of toughening of responsibility of physical persons for effecting illegal operations on foreign currency exchange and use it was prepared and presented to the Government of the RT amendments to Administrative and Criminal code of the RT. 


It is necessary to note that it was developed the uniform system of electronic auctions in the interbank exchange market through a working platform of Thomson Raters Company. There were already effected foreign currency purchase and sale operations by this system. The NBT daily effects sale of the US dollar to credit institutions and through the credit institutions carries out foreign currency interventions - sale of cash US dollar in the exchange offices of Dushanbe city.

As earlier informed, on November 28, current year there was arranged the working meeting in the National Bank of Tajikistan with participation of first heads of credit institutions where precise measures on increase of personal liabilities of responsible persons for toughening of control over credit institutions in the internal exchange market and remittances have been taken. There were given corresponding instructions to credit institutions on this issue.

For the account of the NBT experts it was established a headquarter and operative working team, which has started to work in order to carry out constant control of activity of credit institutions establishments in the internal exchange market.

In addition, according to the order of the NBT it was established constantly operating headquarters in all credit institutions of the republic for controlling of exchange offices work on foreign currency sale and purchase.

In order to ensure stability of internal exchange market and smoothing fluctuations of national currency exchange rate together with corresponding ministries and departments also will take further necessary actions directed on performance of basic macroeconomic indicators and monetary program of the RT.

Certainly, an interaction with representatives of mass-media is very important for timely covering, ensuring transparency and reliability of implemented works and also fulfillment of plans and further measures of the National Bank of Tajikistan and banking system.

In this connection, we call representatives of mass-media to take part actively in the implementation of these measures to make feasible contribution to ensuring financial stability of the republic.


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