Meeting with Mr. Farid Masmoudi

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Meeting with Mr. Farid Masmoudi

The issues of mutual beneficial cooperation development have been discussed today, on December 9, 2015 during the meeting of Chairman of the National Bank of Tajikistan Mr. Jamshed Nurmahmadzoda with Director of Business Development and Partnership Department from the Islamic Corporation for the Development of Private Sector Mr.Farid Masmoudi and Regional Manager of the given corporation in the CIS and Europe Mr.Samir Taghiyev.

At the beginning of the meeting the Chairman of the National Bank of Tajikistan has noted that the country financial system is willing and interested in moving to closer bilateral fruitful cooperation. It is known that Islamic Corporation for Development of Private Sector with the purpose of increasing financial capacity of local credit institutions including leasing companies and banks can open financing lines and also can support them jointly with in cooperation with international financial institutions. The given corporation also can give financial support to local companies with sound production structure, which capable to arrange work adequately.

In this connection, Mr.Jamshed Nurmahmadzoda has suggested to representatives of the given Corporation to develop a project on supporting labour migrants returned home and to open a new f financing line for building of four storehouses (refrigerators) for storage of vegetables and fruits in four regions of the republic.

In his turn, Mr. Farid Masmoudi has accepted the offers of the Chairman of National Bank of Tajikistan approvingly and has noted that the Islamic Corporation for the Development of Private Sector and corresponding divisions of the Islamic Development Bank are ready to offer short-term and long-term financial assistance to entrepreneurs and exporters of domestic goods within their projects. The financing of small and medium entrepreneurship will be carried out through local banks with use of allocated resources of Islamic financial institutions (Islamic Leasing Company, Islamic Development Bank and Islamic Fund for SME Development).

During talks the parties also have discussed other aspects of bilateral cooperation of mutual interest.


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