NBT: On amending and supplements of Constitution (Main law) of the Republic of Tajikistan are bases of community development

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NBT: On amending and supplements of Constitution (Main law) of the Republic of Tajikistan are bases of community development

It was held the enlarged meeting with participation of management and staff of the NBT today, on February 22, current year in order to explanation a necessity of supporting suggestion of Majlisi Milli and Deputies of Majlisi Namoyandagon of the RT “On amending and supplementing of Constitution (Main Law)” of the RT and carrying out of national referendum”.

At the beginning of meeting the Chairman of the National Bank of Tajikistan Mr. Jamshed Nurmahmadzoda has noted the necessity and importance of the given offer, having marked, that approval of amendments and supplements to the Constitution (Main law) of the Republic of Tajikistan does not contradict to basic provisions of the Constitutions (Main law) of the Republic of Tajikistan and International acts, recognized by the Republic of Tajikistan. The given changes are directed to stable community development, further development of democratization process of social life, strengthening and improvement of constitutional bases of government authorities, and state language development.

During the meeting the given initiative was supported also by other employees of structural sub divisions of the bank. They have underlined, that the given offer is timely requirement, acceptance of which corresponds to interests of the community and government. In particular it has been underlined, that main law perfection in every country is carried out for development of social and economic and cultural-spiritual sectors. It has been noticed, that the offered amendments and supplements will bring the worthy contribution to propagation of national traditions and ceremonies, training and education of young generation, and their civil responsibility, education of full valid person and growth of human capital.

At the same time, it was pointed, given amendments in future will allow, that educated part of population would perform key role in awakening of consciousness and self-knowledge, propagation of national idea and patriotism, protection of cultural traditions and maintenance of peace and make significant contribution to development of our state and society.

At the end of meeting, the executive officials and employees of the NBT have expressed their support «On amending and supplementing of Constitution (Main law) of the RT and carrying out of national referendum» and have urged attendees participants active in a national referendum day on approval of the given amendment and supplements with sense of civic duty, and to bring the worthy contribution to community development.

We remind that, according to requirement of Articles 57, 98 of Constitution (Main law) of the Republic of Tajikistan and Articles 8, 11, 12 and 13 of Constitutional Law of the Republic of Tajikistan «On Referendum of the Republic of Tajikistan » by the Decision of Majlisi namoyandagon Majlisi Oli of RТ, National Referendum on «Amending and supplements of Constitution (Main law) of the Republic of Tajikistan» will be held on May 22, 2016.


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