NBT: A range of meetings were held on issues of patriotism, respect to national traditions and statehood bases

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NBT: A range of meetings were held on issues of patriotism, respect to national traditions and statehood bases

The Management of the National Bank of Tajikistan with the view of supporting of carrying out policy of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan on regular basis holds agitation works among employees of structural subdivisions for increasing patriotism, respect to national traditions, statehood bases and national values.

In particular, the meeting with participation of Deputy Chairman of the National Bank of Tajikistan Mr.Sirojiddin Ikromov and employees of various structural units of the bank was held, on last days of February of current year.

During the effective and serious conversation the Deputy Chairman of the National Bank of Tajikistan, first of all spoke about escalation of tension of political situation in the world, increasing intergovernmental and interreligious conflicts and increase of organized transnational crimes, and called to attendants to show responsibility for preservation of peace, stability and safety of the state.

- The peace and welfare of each of us depends on peace and prosperity of our country. For achievement of this purpose it is necessary, that each citizen of our country do not lost vigilance in protection of state security. In this connection, we should direct our efforts to education of new generation, society and especially of our children. As we see the new generation blindly imitates to foreign traditions, habits and clothes that will be the reason of discontent of a traditional society. Imitation to foreign traditions, refuse of traditional habits has a negative effect for our country. Mr. S.Ikromov has noted that, it is necessary for each of us to educate the children to patriotism, consciousness, self-knowledge and respect of our national habits and traditions.

During the meeting he has asked the employees of the Bank to start up the explanatory work, in order to encourage the population respectfully to treat the national currency - somoni.

- The national currency is not only a legal tender, but it’s also the statehood symbol. He has noted that, alsorespect to national currency is a respect to the state and to the nation.

It is necessary to notice, that such meetings were held also in regional branches of the National Bank of Tajikistan during it was recommended to conduct explanatory works among employees of commercial banks concerning patriotism, prevention of extremist elements, blind imitation of foreign traditions and etc.


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