NBT: The next meeting of Permanent Interagency Commission was held

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NBT: The next meeting of Permanent Interagency Commission was held

The next meeting of Permanent Interagency Commission on Anti-money laundering and combating terrorism financing chaired by Mr. Vatanzoda M. M, Assistant of President of the Republic of Tajikistan on legal issues - Head of permanent of Interagency Commission was held today, on April 8 of current year in the National Bank of Tajikistan. 

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During the meeting the Deputy Chairman of the National Bank of Tajikistan Mr. Latifov U.B and responsible persons of Financial Monitoring Department have addressed the members of commission on important issues of agenda.

It is necessary to notice, Permanent Interagency Commission on Anti-money laundering and combating terrorism financing was established on October 4, 2013 by the Decision of Government of the Republic of Tajikistan, for coordination of actions and efforts of the Republic of Tajikistan in resolving important issues in the sphere of Anti-money laundering and combating terrorism financing. 

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The members of Permanent Interagency Committee among from representatives of ministries and agencies of the republic have discussed some issues and specific proposals about evaluation program of national risks, technical support of the World Bank on risk assessment promoting financial services, preparations of the Republic of Tajikistan for the second stage of a mutual assessment of Eurasian Group, Concept of national strategy on Anti-money laundering and combating terrorism financing and issues on access of Financial Monitoring Department to state data basis have discussed.


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