Study of Experience on Anti-money Laundering

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Study of Experience on Anti-money Laundering

Last week the National Bank of Tajikistan together with Group of representatives of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime and Representatives of OSCE and Eurasian group on combating money laundering and financing of terrorism has organized the workshop on «Best methods of work in field of inspections of AML and Combating Terrorism Financing» for experts of Financial Monitoring Department of the NBT, legal authorities, General Prosecutor Office and other law enforcement authorities of the country.


During the seminar experts of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime and Eurasian group on combating money laundering and financing of terrorism have provided participants of seminar with best ways for financial investigation and use in practice of concrete and advanced methods.


In the conclusion of the seminar participants have expressed satisfaction with organization of the given seminar and have noted that study and analysis of financial crimes with use of new methods and technologies will be useful for work and gained experience necessarily will be applied in practice.


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