Mechanism of consumer rights protection was discussed

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Mechanism of consumer rights protection was discussed

The Round Table meeting with participation of representatives of credit institutions and the World Bank on Real mechanisms and strategic measures for development of protection of banking system services consumer rights on the example of Banking System Services Consumer Rights Protection Division of the NBT; international experience, prospects, strategic planning, modern challenges and ways of their resolution” has taken place on August 2, 2016 at the National Bank of Tajikistan.

The Round Table was opened by First Deputy Chairman of the National Bank of Tajikistan Mr. Jamoliddin Nuraliev. Having attracted attention of participants on financial services consumer rights protection mechanism, main objectives of the given subdivision establishment and a number of other actual problems, he has noted that parties can be familiarized during the given event with achievements of each other and exchange experience.

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The exchange of opinions between representatives of Banking System Services Consumer Rights Protection Division of the NBT and participants of the Round Table has then taken place.

In particular it has been noted that the arrangement of Round Table discussion is a good opportunity for consideration and assessment of opinions and suggestions of banking and microfinance sectors representatives concerning the activity of Banking System Services Consumer Rights Protection Division of the NBT through which it is possible further to attract representatives of these sectors to take part in the project on development of strategy of banking services consumer rights protection.

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Representatives of the NBT have made a suggestion in future that it is necessary to define a rating of credit institutions in terms of quality of providing financial services and to report results on web site of the NBT. The given suggestion has been supported by all participants of the Round Table.

The purpose of arrangement of the given event is to assess a real current situation of credit institutions concerning the mechanism of protection of banking services consumer rights, existing problems in the given sphere and consideration of proposals related to efficiency of the above-stated mechanism. It is necessary to note that results gained during this event can form a good theoretical basis for strengthening of protection of banking services consumer rights.

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During the meeting the parties also have discussed issues related to different aspects of banking services consumer rights protection development, they have made some useful offers on working out strategy for this activity.


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