EAG workshop for private sector’s representatives

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EAG workshop for private sector’s representatives

Within the framework of performance of requirements of the joint program on preparation of the second round of mutual assessment on Anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing (AML-TF) in Republic Tajikistan, training seminar for representatives of Association of banks of Tajikistan, Auditors Association of RT, the Union of lawyers of RT, experts of the credit organisations (banks), insurance companies and auditor firms has taken place yesterday, on September 22, 2016.
During a seminar the EAG experts presented the necessary information to participants of the seminar concerning private sector role at a mutual estimation, as well as compliance of assessments of technical standards and risk perception on mutual estimation.


In turn of the seminar participants in their speeches have addressed the issues connected with application of methods of internal control organisation in sphere of counteraction of legalisation of incomes received criminal by and to terrorism financing in their organisations and during exchange of opinions have received specific answers to current questions.


Meanwhile it was satisfyingly noticed that this event can promote for development of country’s banking activity system, establishment of solid business relations with the EAG in sphere AML-FT, exchange of experience between the credit organisations, and also for rational use of NBT’s regulations. As it was reported earlier, the given seminar has been organised by the initiative of the National bank of Tajikistan and the EAG on counteraction of legalisation of incomes received criminal by and to terrorism financing.

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 During three days experts from secretary of the EAG on AML-TF have acquainted specialists of corresponding state structures and agencies, commercial and public organisations and associations with procedures of a mutual estimation on counteraction of legalisation of incomes received criminal by and to terrorism financing, having explained the facts by specific examples and helpful advice from the best practices of other countries.

Press Division

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