Round table with participation of a the International financial corporation team

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Round table with participation of a the International financial corporation team

On September 28, 2016 the round table with participation of heads of structural divisions of the National bank of Tajikistan under the leadership of Nuraliev Jamoliddin Kamolovich, the First Deputy Chairman of the National bank of Tajikistan and the International financial corporation team on microfinancing for consideration of results of the second households debts survey in Tajikistan has taken place in National bank of Tajikistan.


In this event International financial corporation team (IFC) has been presented by Mr. Kolin Massenik - Manager of the program of responsible microfinancing, Mr. Dig Pratt - Senior Expert on consumer indebtedness, Ms. Malika Ibrohimova - Program employee on economy and Ms. Louise Mamarasulova - IFC Project employee.


Starting the round table, the First Deputy Chairman of the National bank Nuraliev Jamoliddin Kamolovich drew the attention of participants to expediency of realization of comparison between 2014 - 2016 survey results and some other relevant questions in sphere of banking system of the country. He has noticed satisfyingly that by dialogue and discussions parties can share experience, information and achieve good results, based on application of constructive offers.


The First Deputy Chairman of the National bank of Tajikistan Jamoliddin Nuraliev has highlighted, that the purpose of conducting of the given action is summarizing of current activity of the credit organisations on households debts, discussion of existing problems, consideration of offers concerning increase of efficiency of operating principles, and also application of the results achieved during such actions, as theoretical basis for developing the future programs in this regard.

In turn participants of the round table have expressed the opinions on the various issues connected with performance of survey on “Tendencies of situation stabilisation in banking system of the Republic of Tajikistan”, presented their recommendations relating definition of interrelation between promissory notes and incomes and other expenses of households, level of debts repayments, exposure to exchange risks, borrowers confidence to activities of financial organisations.

Press Division


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