State language - consolidating factor of the Nation

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State language - consolidating factor of the Nation

Today, on October, 6 of the current year the solemn action devoted to the State language day with participation of employees of the Chairman Office of the National bank of Tajikistan has taken place.

Opening the event, the Head of Translation Division of the Chairman Office of the National bank of Tajikistan, Doctor of Philology Sultonov Mirzohasan Barotovich, on his own behalf and on behalf of management of the National bank of Tajikistan has congratulated all staff on the State language day and wished successes in their work. In his speech Mirzohasan Sultonov pointed out, that the Founder of Peace and National Unity - Leader of the Nation, President of the Republic of Tajikistan, His Excellency Emomali Rahmon pays particular attention to State language development in all spheres of a public life of the country.


- Words of the Head of the State «the National language is a sort of document certifying the Nation’s existence. And each carrier of a national language should care of the native language, preserve national identity and culture» obliges each patriot of the Motherland that its paramount problem became respect, and preservation of cleanliness of the State language. The Government of the Republic Tajikistan during Independence years paid special attention to issues of maintenance of the State language status in the country, and the Leader of the Nation, President of the Republic of Tajikistan, His Excellency Emomali Rahmon in the meetings constantly reminds of importance of studying of the State language, preservation of its purity, on solicitous attitude to the Tajik language in globalization period. These valuable words oblige us and future generation to respect the language, culture, to keep its authenticity. Language has promoted the Tajik people to survive in the historical development process and keep the originality. Therefore, protection and preservation of this graceful language as well as preservation of the National identity, is a duty and honour of each of us, - has underlined Mirzohasan Sultonov.


After that, Saodatsho Matrobiyon, Deputy Chairman of the Committee on language and terminology under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan came out with a speech on a role and the status of the Tajik language, Law realisation «On the State language», communication ethics, use of branch terms. In particular he has told:

- Language is one of fundamental elements of statehood of any nation, its status and influence in a society depends on level of culture of carriers of this language. The Tajik language which has more thousand-year history, throughout many historical centuries has repeatedly was in oppression position when have tried to limit sphere of its influence in a society, but, fortunately, our language, having overcome difficulties, has passed test by time and has kept its cleanliness. Adoption of the Law of Republic of Tajikistan «On the State language of the Republic of Tajikistan» and «Development Program of the State language of the Republic of Tajikistan for 2012-2016» in days of independence has created favorable conditions for development and popularization of culture and intellectual values, perfection of a literary language, enrichment of lexical fund and observance of norms of the State language. Today office management and communication in the state institutions is conducted on Tajik, studying of a state language, its spelling in all agencies became obligatory.


In the conclusion, other participants of action have paid attention of participants to necessity of the careful attitude to language, its high role and undertaking measures for its development. In particular they have underlined, that from all intellectual values available in the world, the most valuable for us is language, especially literary which was and remains the consolidating factor of the nation, its unity.


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