Study of Islamic banking standards in NBT

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Study of Islamic banking standards in NBT

Today, on March 28, 2017 Representative delegation of Islamic Financial Services Board (IFSB) visited the National Bank of Tajikistan for organisation of a workshop for employees of the banking system of the country on “Implementation of IFSB standards on Capital Adequacy for Institutions offering only Islamic financial services (IIFS)”.


At the opening ceremony Ms. Lola Salimova, Deputy Chairman of the National bank of Tajikistan has welcomed the quests on behalf of the NBT management and stated that IFSB participation and support in such workshops will promote the employees of banking supervisory and regulatory authorities, specialists of banks and micro-loan organizations for study of Islamic financial services experience.

Then, Dr. Nagwa Sheikh Eldin Mohamed Hussein, Assistant Secretary-General IFSB has presented brief information on IFSB to workshop participants. She has pointed out that during the workshop operation IFSB standards will be trained and attention of financial organizations’ specialists will be focused on practical implementation of Core principles of Islamic financial services theory into practice.


According to Workshop Programme, which will be held in the National Bank of Tajikistan during March 28-31, current year, Dr. Nagwa Sheikh Eldin Mohamed Hussein, Assistant Secretary-General IFSB and other qualified specialists of IFSB will make presentations and organise group exercises with workshop participants.

As it was mentioned in the opening ceremony, this 4-day workshop is tailored for enhance the participants’ understanding on the respective Standards and Guiding Principles, necessary for implementation of these standards in their respective organizations and promote the sharing of experiences among the participants on the implementation of respective IFSB standards and Guiding Principles.


In addition, the workshop participants will benefit opportunities to collect comprehensive data on Islamic finance framework and Islamic banking operations, basic principles of risk management for the IIFS, basic supervision principles according to Islamic methods and others. At the end of the training period certificates will be granted to all the participants, representing the employees of banking supervisory and regulatory authorities, specialists of banks and micro-loan organizations.

For your information, the Islamic Financial Services Board (IFSB) is an international standard-setting organisation that promotes and enhances the soundness and stability of the Islamic financial services industry by issuing Global Prudential Standards and Guiding Principles for the industry, broadly defined to include banking, capital markets and insurance sectors, officially inaugurated in 2002. The IFSB Head Office is based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.


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