Results of seminar on Islamic finance were summarized

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Results of seminar on Islamic finance were summarized

Results of seminar on “Facilitating of Implementation of the IFSB standards: Capital Adequacy Standard for IIFS” have been summed up in the National Bank of Tajikistan, which was held on March 28 – 31, 2017 with assistance of the Islamic Financial Services Board (IFSB).


Finalizing the results of seminar, Mr. Ikromi Sirojiddin Salom, Deputy Chairman of the National Bank of Tajikistan has thanked representatives of the Islamic Financial Services Board on behalf of NBT management for support in performance of similar trainings. Mr. Ikromi S.S. also has expressed gratitude to all participants of a seminar, in particular to representatives of various structural subdivisions of NBT, corresponding associations, banks and credit institutions for their active participation. Mr. Ikromi S.S., Deputy Chairman of the National Bank of Tajikistan also has noted in this address the importance of similar trainings in promoting training of skills and experience on Islamic financial services to staff of banking supervision and regulation authorities.


- Learning of Islamic banking Principles, Capital Adequacy Standard, ways of the conclusion of contracts under Islamic financing principles, Islamic banking risk management, principles of Islamic financing management and generally accepted standards of the Islamic credit organisations for supervisors of this branch is considered essential feature. Participants of training got an opportunity to use the information received during seminars, concerning bases of Islamic financing and Islamic banking operations in practice of the financial organisations, has stated Mr. Ikromi S.S. at the end of his address.

In turn Dr. Nagwa Sheikh Eldin Mohammad Hussein, Assistant Secretary-General, IFSB, Head of the IFSB Delegation and Mr. Abozer Magzoub, Member of the Secretariat, Implementation, IFSB have expressed the gratitude to the Tajik party for warm reception and have thanked participants for fruitful work. Ms. Nagwa Sheikh Eldin Mohammad Hussein in particular has noted:

- At present time Islamic financing is developing at a quick rate in the world, particularly principles and standards of Islamic Financing attracted the attention of major traditional banks. Similar workshops promote to prompt development of principles of Islamic financing.


Having wished successes to participants, Ms. Nagwa Sheikh Eldin Mohammad Hussein has expressed hope for early successful introduction of the received experience on the IFSB standards by the financial organisations.

At the end of four-day seminar certificates were awarded to all the participants of the seminar.


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