Continuation of AFI Meetings in the Training Center of the National Bank of Tajikistan

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Continuation of AFI Meetings in the Training Center of the National Bank of Tajikistan

The second day of AFI’s 15th Financial Inclusion Data (FID) Working Group and 10th Financial Inclusion Strategy (FIS) Peer Learning Group Meetings currently continues in the Training Center of the National Bank of Tajikistan with representatives from 47 countries, international financial institutions, credit institutions and relevant ministries and agencies.


During the second half of the first day of this meeting Zarina Odinaeva, World Bank Mission Officer has made presentation entitled “Expansion of financial inclusion-strategies” and AFI's representative Mr. Charles Marwa addressed with presentation “Developments in financial inclusion policy in countries-members of AFI in 2016. Progress and innovation of AFI members’ national strategies and data in accordance with AFI Information Portal”, which were subjected to discussion and exchange of views.


According to approved program of the meeting it was made presentations of Financial Monitoring Department, International Relations Management and Statistics and Balance of Payments Management of the National Bank of Tajikistan on issues “Financial access in Tajikistan”, “Report on progress and next steps, presenting conclusions of joint FID WG meeting”, “Achievements in accordance with Maya Declaration: challenges and opportunities”, “Gender data. Map guidelines on financial inclusion”, “National strategy on financial inclusion: problems of implementation and ways of coordination” and “Financial inclusion assessment goals”.



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