Consideration of development perspectives of interbank market in Tajikistan

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Consideration of development perspectives of interbank market in Tajikistan

On April 23-24, 2017 Conference on “Interbank currency market and its development prospects in the Republic of Tajikistan” with participation of representatives of the Moscow stock exchange and the domestic credit organisations has taken place in the Training centre of the National Bank of Tajikistan in Khujand at the initiative of the National Bank of Tajikistan and “Thomson Reuters Company”.


During conference Representatives of “Thomson Reuters Company” and Moscow stock exchange together with experts of banking system of the country have considered the issues connected with auction rules, analysis of market instruments, through planning and management of a currency position in the foreign exchange market, and also new prospects and possibilities of “Thomson Reuters” platform.


Representatives of the National Bank of Tajikistan made presentations on “Bases of assets and obligations management of commercial banks”, “Necessity of regulation of currency relations”, “Technical, fundamental analysis and exchange rate”, “Debt instruments and their priorities for the credit institutions”, “Efficiency of investment in Securities of the National Bank of Tajikistan” at conference.

At the end of conference all participants, particularly representatives of “Thomson Reuters company” and Moscow stock exchange have expressed the gratitude for the organisation of the given unforgettable event, and also for establishment of fruitful cooperation, highly appreciating the activities of Tajik banks in the interbank currency market.


For the feasible contribution to development of information technologies in the financial market representatives of “Thomson Reuters company” have presented promotional gifts to the National Bank of Tajikistan.


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