Measures on expansion of clearing settlement with use of payment cards

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Measures on expansion of clearing settlement with use of payment cards

On May 16 of current year business meeting under supervision of Mr. Hamidullo Mashrabzoda, Deputy Chairman of the National Bank of Tajikistan with participation of representatives of The Tax Committee under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan and credit institutions of the country has been held in NBT.

The purpose of conducting of the given meeting was discussion of realization of the Governmental resolution of the Republic of Tajikistan “On measures on expansion of clearing settlements with use of bank payment cards” as of December 31, 2014, №815.


The main issues which have been considered at business meeting were increase of share of clearing settlements with use of payment cards and installation of electronic terminals in the commercial and service enterprises.

Mr. Hamidullo Mashrabzoda, Deputy Chairman of the National Bank of Tajikistan has informed attendees on current situation of payment cards market in the Republic of Tajikistan and on the progress of realisation of the abovementioned Resolution. In his report Mr. Hamidullo Mashrabzoda has underlined necessity of expansion of clearing settlements, as the key factor of maintenance of financial flows transparency in republic financial system. At meeting the report of joint working group of NBT and Tax Committee also has been heard. It has been noted that from the beginning of activity, checks in 573 commercial and service enterprises were spent by joint working group, including in 64 of them ATMs have been established. In the course of given checks explanatory works on importance and advantages of use of ATM were spent with owners and employees of the commercial and service enterprises not equipped with ATMs.

Notifications on installation of ATMs within 25 days have been directed to 509 commercial and service enterprises by the Tax Committee. Also administrative measures have been applied towards of 4 legal entities and private entrepreneurs for refusal in establishment of terminals and use of payment cards for settlements.


Following realization of explanatory work, 812 businessmen have applied to credit institutions with statement for installation of ATMs in commercial and service enterprises, and at present the credit institutions conduct active work on installation of electronic terminals in commercial and service enterprises.

During working meeting, the credit institutions were entrusted to have required quantity of ATMs in stock, and at businessmen’s application to conclude corresponding contracts and operatively conduct ATMs installation in commercial and service enterprises.

The credit institutions were instructed on development of granting of modern banking services types with application of bank payment cards, perform release of credit cards, payment cards with the chip and contactless cards, and also for better motivation of clients on payment cards use, develop modern rewards programs for realisation of payments settlement in non-cash form together with commercial and service enterprises.

FYI: According to statistics to May 1, 2017, total number of payment cards emitted by credit institutions has made 1 677,9 thousand units, that is more on 8,1 % than to May 1, 2016. Total number of payment cards holders in the republic for May 1, 2017 has made 1 654,1 thousand person, that is more on 8,3 % than for same period of last year. Also as of April 1, 2017 ATMs number (740 units) and electronic terminals (2 485 units), money used at reception and payment of the goods, works and services in comparison with the similar period of last year has increased accordingly by 25,2 % and has made 825 units. From the general the number of the established point-of-sale terminals of 1578 units is used in cash points and 907 units for clearing settlements in commercial and service enterprises.

Press Division

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