Mutually advantageous cooperation and achievements in AML /CFT

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Mutually advantageous cooperation and achievements in AML /CFT

The Financial Monitoring Department of the National Bank of Tajikistan within the limits of realisation of Law of the Republic of Tajikistan “On anti-money laundering and anti-terrorism financing and financing of dissemination of the mass destruction weapons”, as well as information interchange conducts continuous and mutually advantageous cooperation with relevant agencies.

Considering mutual cooperation and considerable successes in the field of counteraction of legalisation of criminal incomes and to terrorism financing in the Republic of Tajikistan, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan has evaluated activity of the Management and some employees of the National bank of Tajikistan.

Including, for considerable successes on counteraction of legalisation of criminal incomes and financing of terrorism Farhod Biliov, FMD Director has been awarded with medal ”For cooperation”, Rukhshona Muhammadova, Sabzaali Gulov and Zokirsho Davlatov and Mansur Ismatov, FMD employees received “Certificates of honour” and “Acknowledgement” of the MIA of the Republic of Tajikistan.

It is necessary to note that the FMD NBT in November, 2016 (New Delhi, India) at competition on close interaction between interdepartmental Financial Intelligence Units which was held within the limits of the EAG Plenary Session on counteraction of legalisation of criminal incomes and terrorism financing, came the second place among 9 teams of the EAG member-countries. This is indicative of gradual strengthening of potential of national AML/CFT system of Tajikistan, which proves the selected line of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan of in sphere of realisation of the Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering (FATF) recommendation.

Press Division

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